
Aflac Homepage Redesign

In 2018, Aflac tasked Publicis Sapient Austin with a homepage redesign to match their upcoming ad campaign, Aflac Isn’t. While Aflac’s beloved mascot has ubiquitous brand recognition, their products and services do not. Aflac isn’t auto, home owner’s, or broken leg insurance; it’s supplemental insurance to help you cover what health insurance doesn’t. 

With that in mind, the team set out to create an approachable, clear and informative experience that educates potential new users, simplifies the Get a Quote process, and provides quick access for current customers, brokers and agents. 


 The Aflac and PS teams had three main goals:

  1. Connect, educate & sell to new users

  2. Enable & empower all users

  3. Upgrade & retain current users

To address these goals, content structure revolved around critical decision points and encouraged movement down the page, telling a story using educational interactive tools, options to self-identify, and thoughtful CTAs to inspire action but not overwhelm.


UX/UI & Visual Design Notes

Drop down navigation was removed in lieu of horizontal navigation, allowing audience self-selection, which would then update based on user selection. While this was just a homepage project, navigation was designed with future page redesigns in mind. 

A full-page introduction and welcome differentiates Aflac from competitors, easing new users into the concept of voluntary insurance through the lens of customer benefit.

Hero imagery was selected or edited to portray injured people living life to the fullest instead of worrying about medical bills. We also provided a system of seasonal photography, and a festive Aflac duck to match.

Aflac’s brand colors were tweaked slightly for web in order to pass color contrast accessibility at AA levels across the board, and AAA levels for sub and body copy.

Aflac Homepage.jpg

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