
If this scares you, good. The doctors say that the surge in your adrenaline could help. 
Recently, we’ve been able to try a new tactic with advanced technology. Every rift in your perception—every glitch—is a weak spot that we are trying to reach you through. Glitch, reality-shattering energy, is your brain’s creation in response.
This is not your life. Shatter the illusion.

Please, wake up.

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Glitch is a coffee and energy drink company with two bar and cyber café locations in Seattle, Washington and Denver, Colorado. The company sells canned coffee and energy drinks as well as full bean roasts in-store and online.

Brand Voice

The brand voice is edgy, mysterious, and foreboding, as if a family member or close friend were trying to bring you back from the edge of gone. Words and phrases used by the brand are composed of simple but impactful language, designed to disturb the consumer enough to ask, ‘what if?’.

Target Consumer

Glitch consumers are coffee drinkers aged 18-34 years old. They are curious, explorative, questioning, and distrustful of the obvious. They embrace technology and conspiracy theories.

Glitch Motifs



Headlines: Trade Gothic LT Std | All Caps | Bold Condensed No. 20 | Tracking: 250 pt
Body Copy: Trade Gothic LT Std | Condensed No. 18



Brand imagery is mysterious, modern, and preferably dark with an unnatural light source. To properly represent the brand, photography utilizes horizontal lines like that of a VHS tape, is offset, and shows an RGB color split. Grungy nightlife, transportation, reaching hands, or any photos involving an old television are appropriate. Faceless human forms are included as often as possible.



Canned energy drinks come in a matte aluminum 12 oz can. Flavors include Shadow of a Doubt dark chocolate, Follow the White Rabbit white mocha, and Fade to Black coffee.

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Glitch has two bar and cyber café locations in Seattle and Denver. In-store locations feature fresh-brewed coffee, a full bar, individually canned energy drinks and full bean roasts to buy now and brew later. The brick and mortar locations also feature a modern and comfortable space for patrons to relax, read and work. 


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